
Unforgettable visit...Florencia, art historian, passionate about painting and Life, was pleasant in her explanations, making the paintings and the artists come to life.
— National Gallery tour attendee, 2018
Definitely recommend visiting the (National) Gallery with Florencia. Her fun yet informed way of talking about the paintings make you feel wonder and interest.
— National Gallery tour attendee, 2017
Excellent. A new experience for the children and different from school. Great to incorporate games alongside the art, and appeals to all ages.
— Mum of two children who attended Florencia's Modelling with Clay Workshop
It was a brilliant workshop, and I was so very impressed with how children of various ages and abilities were able to do high relief clay artwork (...) Afterwards the children were lead to tell the parents about their work-all were excited to import new knowledge.
— Dad of a child who attended Florencia's Modelling with Clay Workshop
It was really fun learning all about colours. My favourite was to learn to mix them and the collage with cold and warm colours.
— Boy aged 7, who attended Florencia's Colour Lab Workshop